NGOs' Demands for Promoting Coherence: Security and Development
The NGOs have compiled under the theme Security and Development five demands for promoting policy coherence.
● The EU must coherently promote the legally binding treaty initiative controlling arms trade, “Arms Trade Treaty”. The following of the code of conduct of arms exportation of the EU countries have to be strengthened in all Member States. Different policy fields have to consult each other more effectively.
● The fact that development policy is taken into account in European security and defence policy requires comprehensive actions, especially improving the cooperation between the EU institutions.
● The EU must develop mechanisms, such as an Early Warning System, in order to connect conflict prevention with crisis management more effectively. ● The EU has to increase cooperation with NGOs and exploit their know-how in order to improve its actions in conflict prevention and civilian crisis management.
● The EU must see to that the coherence of development and security policy is realised in the implementation phase of the strategy against terrorism, which is in preparation. Terrorism can only be prevented by concentrating on its root causes, such as poverty and inequality. The mere increasing of surveillance is not adequate.
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