Appeal to Minister Kari Rajamäki
Dear Minister Rajamäki, the asylum policy of the European Union is highly problematic. The EU does not allow asylum seekers within its borders. At its harshest people drown in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and are shot in North Africa at the European border. People who need protection are tossed from one country to another without proper hearings or guarantees of safety. The EU countries deport people to countries where they are captured and tortured.
Text of original appeal:
The asylum policy of the European Union is highly problematic. The EU does not allow asylum seekers within its borders. At its harshest people drown in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and are shot in North Africa at the European border. People who need protection are tossed from one country to another without proper hearings or guarantees of safety. The EU countries deport people to countries where they are captured and tortured.
According to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights seeking asylum is a human right. During the last Finnish EU Presidency in 1999 the EU decided in Tampere that the basis of the EU asylum policy is to respect the right to asylum and to give protection for those in need. However, the current asylum policy of the EU falls short of these norms. The credibility of the EU as a human rights actor is at risk.
During the past years the EU has focused on the “fight against terrorism” and the prevention of “illegal immigration”. As a result the EU countries have tightened their asylum procedures and forgotten to offer protection. The debate on security is in overdrive and the asylum seekers become its victims.
I urge Finland during its EU Presidency to start a genuine political dialogue on the future direction of the EU asylum policy. This should be done in the 1999 “Tampere Spirit”. Finland must ensure that the EU asylum policy truly respects human rights and offers protection for those in need.
Amnesty International has prepared a program for the Finnish EU Presidency in order to improve the asylum policy of the European Union. I request you to familiarize yourself with the program and implement its recommendations.
Yours sincerely,
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