Migration as a Part of Development Policy
Migration is a part of development policy. Migration caused by poverty can not be stopped by stricter border control. One must focus on the root causes of migration because development allows people to stay in their home countries.
Migration policy issues have to be coherently examined as a part of development policy. The importance of the interoperability of migration and development policy is also emphasized in several political comments of the European Union (Hague Programme, Strategy for Africa) Functional development policy and development cooperation have a strong impact on problems causing migration. They reduce poverty, improve people’s living conditions and environment, as well as advance health, equality and work and education possibilities. They also help prevent migration-related phenomena, such as human trafficking and human smuggling. However, migration-related problems have been emphasized in European discussions on migration policy. The EU should renounce the approach that concentrates on the threats and offer people legal migration channels. At the same time, it should ensure that the people who need protection are treated in a way provided in the international law. Currently, maybe the most visible migration-related topic concerns African migrants and their smuggling and treatment. The debate reveals how the reconciliation of development and migration policy fails, for example in the Mediterranean where human smuggling is a growing problem.
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